There are many indications for acupuncture but the most effective applications include pain management and treatment (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, joint dysfunction, tendonitis, sprains/strains, fractures and sports-related injuries), hormone balance, fertility, sleep disorders, anxiety and depression, smoking cessation, stress management and management of withdrawl symptoms when weening off certain medications. We often integrate acupuncture with other treatment modalities (such as nutrition, counselling and/or detoxification) in order to treat the root cause and optimize treatment outcomes.
Response to any treatment is variable depending on the nature of the condition and individual circumstances. After an initial assessment of your health is completed, your naturopathic physician can provide you an idea of what to expect in terms of treatment outcomes. In general, patients begin to notice improvement between 1-3 acupuncture visits.
The number of treatments varies depending on the condition and the purpose of treatment. Treatment frequency is initiated at 2-3x/wk and usually reduced after 4-6 weeks.
Your Naturopathic Physician will determine if acupuncture is appropriate for you after an initial visit and through assessment of your health has been completed. Our goal is to provide the most comprehensive and effective treatment plan for our patients. If acupuncture is a consideration for your care, your naturopathic physician will determine the frequency and duration of treatment. If there are other treatment options that may be more suitable to your condition and will provide better outcomes, we will inform you of your options and collaborate with you on making the best decisions for your treatment plan.