In this lecture, Dr. Gurm presented an evidence-based review on best screening practices for individuals who are high-risk for primary and secondary breast and ovarian cancer, along with an evidence-informed review of naturopathic treatments for breast and ovarian cancer along the continuum of care.
Dr. Gurm presented current evidence for breast cancer risk reduction (primary and recurrence prevention) and outcomes optimization using natural agents, therapies, dietary and lifestyle strategies in integrative cancer care. She presented information on recent genetic and epigenetic discoveries and how these findings can be leveraged to enhance our understanding of cancer as a disease and what interventions have the potential for greatest impact on cancer incidence. Learn more about our Integrative Cancer Therapies.
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Learn more about our Toxicity Tests.
Learning Objectives
Learn more about our Hormone Tests or Metabolic and Nutrition Tests.
Outcomes evidence on current screening practices, emerging trends in incidence and mortality rates, impact of breast density, advantages and limitations of current technologies used for screening, data on new imaging tools available, criteria for individualized assessment and personalized screening plan using a multi-modal approach and coupled with effective prevention strategy.
Learn more about our Integrative Cancer Therapies.
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